As an Half time professor associated at the University Paul Sabatier Toulouse III
I am in charge of teaching quality system (set up teaching of quality, regulation and company knowledge particularly laboratory and industry) and food safety to students of licences and Masters of bioingenery.
To date, I am in charge of the units of teaching
– In 3rd year of License of Biochemistry:
Pre-professionalism: company knowledge and general information on quality managment.
– First year in Master degree 1 of Biochemistry-Biotechnologies:
Good Laboratory Practice : quality management and chemical risk assessment in laboratories
Engineer science 1: quality management and insertion in the company.
– In Master degree 2 of Master degree biochemistry-biotechnologies:
Quality Management in company
Project Management, Databases management and industrial property
Management and Communication
I am attached for the research activities in the research team of chemistry analytical and mass spectrometry. (MAPS team of the IMRCP)