The services which I propose concerning more specifically the companies are:
- Assistance in the installation of the approach quality
- Council in products quality and safety (pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic)
- Assistance in risk assessment and HACCP.
- Research of the origin of anomalies on products
- Specifications Development and determination
- Realisation of suppliers audits including development of reference frame and audits realisation according to standard ISO 19011 (packaging and laboratories sectors).
- Councils in intern laboratory installation for production companies or in analytical investment for laboratories
- Technical assistance in crisis management: Inquire, Retrieval information, analytical orientations and causes research, results interpretation and evaluation of impact on product safety.
Hereafter are some examples of missions:
- Support for development of the National laboratory and other laboratories of the Algerian Center of the Control of Quality and Packaging: Strategic development and action plan for the accreditation of laboratories of the CACQE (Algeria).
- The councils for the installation of a management system of the medical security policy of food in Benin and the technical assistance for the installation of and the control analysis laboratory of the safety of the food (Benin).
- Support with the reinforcement of the monitoring system of the public health of food in Cameroon – Mission of international consultant in laboratory of metrology and control of the foodstuffs (FAO).