After my doctorate at the University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse), I spent 11 years (1991 – 2002) of effective experiment within laboratories (mass spectrometry manager, food chemistry manager, analytical manager, in charge of quality and metrology, manager of food analysis department, Manager of the department for scientific advice and expertise) in the analysis of packaging, food substances, cosmetics and drugs.
In 2002, I created my company of consultant to propose to my customers:
councils for:
- To set up HACCP method in foodstuffs companies,
- To provide training in products analyses thanks to the knowledge of the microbiological and chemical testing methods adapted to guarantee safety on any matrix (food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and environmental).
- To set up the quality system in the laboratories including the inter-laboratory proficiency tests metrology and for accreditation according to the standards ISO 17,025 and ISO 10013
Investments and laboratory organization : To lay down the policy of the laboratory, to work out business plan, choice of analytical methods, equipment, technical training and protocols implementation.
The laboratory engineering : management of the construction projects from conception until effective starting.
For now 12 years I have brought expertise to companies and laboratories for analysis, regulation and quality management system at national and international level. As an International short-term expert my missions are within the framework of the development assistance.
- Evaluation of inspection and control systems particularly fishery products as well as the installation of the official test establishment of control;
- Assistance, Council, audit and development of “quality systems” and metrology;
- About packaging, food safety and pesticide residues analysis(training and conferences).
- Member of the committee of expert of Qualijus (Professional Institute of Fruit juice) and Expert at AFNOR (President commission Sweeteners)
In this website, you will find various aspects of my competences, which I could share with you, to help you in your development projects or management of your daily problems concerning quality and conformity of the products compared to the regulation
For reasons of confidentiality, I provided examples resulted from my international activities but actions and competences are also available for private companies in France.